Dissemination Strategy

Along with the three research Work Packages briefly described above, our work programme includes dissemination and exploitation strategies targeted to different levels.

  1. Academia:
    The dissemination plan for the Network research results will be targeted to the widest possible research community and will involve different actions, including publications, communications at Conferences, Workshops as well at running Seminars and organization of the three Network Conferences. We are confident that our results will be published in high level peer reviewed international journals. All publications will be made freely accessible either via open access or via preprint servers. To reach a bigger academic public, we plan to edit topical issues of renown journals to publish refereed proceedings of the major Network Events. Of special interest is the development of a library of numerical programs which will at first tested by the members of the Network, but finally be freely accessible for the community.
  2. Outreach:
    In the Network’s life-span we plan to organize several lectures aimed at High School students and teachers, at least on those topics which better lend themselves to this scope, such as wave motion, geometry, and the combinatorial basic aspects of Random Matrices. Presentations will possibly occur at the MEETmeTONIGHT, Math en Jeans, and La nuit des chercheurs Science feasts, and at the institutional “Open Days”. Visits to local high schools to offer students a direct contact with the world of science are envisaged. These presentations will include brief explanations, projections of movies from numerical simulations, and the realization of miniature scale demonstrative experiments of fluid motion, to be performed with table-top tank equipped with generators.

IPaDEGAN deals with questions in mathematics and applications to theoretical physics; no ethical issues are involved in this project.